This song has 2 essential good things: a good beat and good sounds. Like previously said, this song needs some equalizing, but I don't think it needs drastic changes.
-The bass, yes it's extremely low toned, but it gives a really nice effect (imagine this with giant subwoofers O_o), instead of rising it up, you could add another bass following the same melody but a bit higher pitched, not a lot, just a bit and it must sound harmonious together.
-The synth was perfect in my opinion
-the drums definitely need to be augmented though. From what I hear it sounds like a good beat, but we barely hear them. Again don't rise them to high as it gives the song a really nice effect, sort of mysterious.
This is my opinion, you should edit this song a bit, as I think it will be Deeeelicious if you do. You can do as you like, you can try what I proposed, but if after a couple of tries it sounds like crap, just forget about them lol.